Nurse Tips

Look at your patient Blood Pressure Edition

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***Remember all these posts are knowledge and tips I have acquired throughout my several years in healthcare. The purpose is to help others learn from mistakes I have made in the past. ***

Welcome to Look at your Patient Edition of my blog. Throughout these posts I will share tips that I have learned from other nurses that I have worked with throughout my years as a CNA and Nurse.

Before freaking out over a extremely low blood pressure or extremely high blood pressure check your patient!! This is the most important tip!!! Always check your patient!!! There are times that blood pressures can be inaccurate so always…always check your patient!!!

Blood pressure measuring. Doctor and patient. Health care.

*Check you blood pressure cuff. Is it on correctly, was it fully deflated prior to the blood pressure being taken? Does this patient have the correct size of blood pressure cuff? Make sure your cuff is not too small or too big. Cuff size can affect your reading as well.

*How is your patient positioned? Are they laying on their side and the blood pressure was taken on the arm on top? If the blood pressure is taken on the arm that is on top when they are laying on their side it can be lower than it would be normal. Was the patient just up walking around the room? If so the blood pressure can be higher than it would be normally.

*Also ask them how they are feeling? Are they dizzy, lightheaded, or have a headache, etc.

*If you are still getting an abnormal blood pressure have your patient stand up (if they can). Standing blood pressures are the most accurate.

*Last tips on blood pressure monitoring. Placement of blood pressure cuff can give you different readings. Taking your blood pressure on your upper arm is more accurate than a radial reading. Radial readings can read higher. But if radial is the only way the blood pressure can be checked then just look at previous readings and check to see if the blood pressures are in the same range.

*Remember to always reevaluate your patient. If your blood pressure has not been evaluated in last 30 minutes prior to giving a blood pressure medication make sure you check it. Blood pressures can vary throughout the day and many variables can effect a person’s blood pressure.

Welcome to life with the Fordham's. I am a small town girl for the last 20 years. I am a wife, mother, dog mom, and nurse. Just trying to make through the day!