Health and Wellness

My Eating Plan

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At the end of 2023, I decided that my current eating plan wasn’t working for me. I had tried many programs with the most recent being Optavia and Intermittent fasting. I’m not here to lecture you on Weight Watchers and tell you it is the only way to lose weight. Weight watchers has just been the most effective form of weight loss for me.

Weight Watchers

As I was scrolling the internet I noticed there was a discount to join Weight Watchers for $10 a month for 10 months. I figured might as well try it. So on December 31, 2023 I signed up at a weight of 203.4 lbs. After I signed up I downloaded the Weight Watchers app to my phone. Then I started joining WW groups on Facebook and scouring Pinterest for recipes. My weight is something that I have struggled with since childhood.

Weight Watchers app

This app is a game changer. I enjoy that you can track all your foods with either scanning a barcode or making your own recipe. It also has places to track your water, activity, and weight. The app can link to multiple different fitness trackers which makes it easy to track. It helps me to stay on track throughout my day and helps me to succeed.

How to stay on track

How I stay on track is I add my foods in the app throughout the day and let it calculate my points for each meal. I try to have a lower point breakfast and snacks to save points for my evening meal. Evening meals at my house are majority of the time I can sit down and eat with my family so that’s where I use more points during the day. I also try to drink at least 100-120 oz of water a day which can also be tracked. Lastly, I try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. My activity is tracked by my apple watch and then downloaded in to the WW app.

Weight Watchers Success and Failures

My successes on this plan

0 point foods (eggs, most vegetables and fruits, and most chicken)

Lots of low point foods available

The weight watchers app (being able to scan foods prior to eating)

My failures on this plan

Alcohol (Even though I find a low point alcohol most start out at 3 points per drink)


Food available at work (such as potlucks, treats brought in, foods that I can’t scan)


Great article on how to Start your journey on Weight Watchers

This is a good 3 day meal plan with 0 point foods

Welcome to life with the Fordham's. I am a small town girl for the last 20 years. I am a wife, mother, dog mom, and nurse. Just trying to make through the day!